Saturday, September 1, 2007

Bhutan Codifies Public Holidays On Election Days

Sources: Bhutan Draft Election Bill and Bhutan public holidays. Until now the declaration of a public holiday on election days in Bhutan, was done on a case-by-case basis (see our news posts of May 2 and May 27).

However, the recently released draft to the Bhutan Election Bill would enshrine into law the principle of declaring public holidays on the date of any future election to Parliament or Local Government (Chapter 17, Article 327).

Recall from our post of July 3 that the next Parliamentary elections will be held in 2 rounds, one in February and one in March 2008. Specific dates have yet to be announced, but with Losar set to occur in the first half of March, remarkably late, it is our guess that the March second round will most likely take place in the second half of March.