Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Cuba Declares June 19 National Day Of Mourning For Unofficial First Lady

Sources: Prensa Latina and Cuba public holidays. Following last night's death of Vilma Espín, the Cuban Government has declared today, Tuesday, June 19, 2007, a national day of mourning. Vilma Espín had been married to Raul Castro, Fidel Castro's brother, since 1959, and as Fidel Castro had never married, she had served as unofficial First Lady for the last 47 years.

Analysis: Due to the stagnant economic activity in Cuba, nowadays, and a likely one up-manship by everyone to look as pro-Castro as possible in front of neighbors and other possible informants for the secret police, one can expect that most people will spend the day in public manifestations of sorrow, and that little work will be done in Cuba today.