Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Brazil's Sergipe State Vetoes New Public Holidays For Saint John and Saint Peter

Sources: Infonet Notícias and Brazil public holidays. The governor of the State of Sergipe, dr. Déda, has announced that he would veto the bill making both the dates of Saint John (June 24) and Saint Peter (June 29) new national public holidays in Brazil.

Analysis: The State of Sergipe is small (in fact it is the smallest of Brazil's states), and this bill, introduced in June, at the national level has already made it through committee and was passed by the lower house. So the impact of this veto should not be overstated. Yet, it does seem like another of the scattered, but ever louder, criticisms of Brazil's chaotic management of its holidays (for a one week review, see our news post of April 27).

A recent bill to change the way mid-week public holidays are determined, might be the way to reduce the chaos and uncertainty, now that the other contender for the most chaotic country in the world, public holidays-wise, The Philippines, has passed a law to rationalize its own public holidays.