Sunday, July 29, 2007

Brazil Considering New Public Holiday On November 20

Sources: Última Instância and Brazil public holidays. A new law, Projeto de Lei 330/07, soon to be reviewed by the Câmara dos Deputados (Legislative Assembly), would make the Día Nacional de la Conciencia Negra (National Day of Black Self-Awareness), on November 20, into a full national public holiday.

Analysis: The Día Nacional de la Conciencia Negra marks the anniversary of the assassination, in 1695, of the activists for the abolition of slavery, Zumbi, do Quilombo dos Palmares, and that date was granted a special status, in 2005, through the Projeto de Lei 6369/05.

However, as of today, it is officially celebrated as a public holiday in only 225 of Brazil's 5561 cities and municipalities, including Río de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, where it had been an official municipal public holiday since 2003.