Thursday, April 26, 2007

Extra Week of Holidays in October for Colombia's Education Sector

Sources: Presidencia de la República and Colombia public holidays. Earlier this week, Colombian President, Álvaro Uribe Vélez, signed into law the decree 1373 of the Ministry of Education, making the week preceding the Día de la Raza national public holiday, a week off for teaching staff and students from kindergarten through high school (establecimientos de educación preescolar, básica y media). The communique stresses that this extra week does not change the 7 weeks of holidays that teaching civil servants already have as per decree 1850 of 2002.

Although the decree does not specify the dates of the week it refers to, as the Día de la Raza national public holiday falls on Monday, October 15, in 2007, it means that the 5 additional days off granted to the education sector will be from October 8-12, 2007, inclusively.