Saturday, March 17, 2007

Pressure mounting for April 3-4, one-off public holidays in Argentina

Source: Diario Hoy and many others. Pressure is mounting, mainly from the tourism industry, to make Tuesday April 3, and Wednesday April 4, 2007, public holidays in Argentina. Combined with the April 2 public holiday, and Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, on April 5 and 6, these 2 additional public holidays would allow Argentines to benefit from 9 consecutive days off work.

Analysis : We would not expect the above to occur officially, considering we are less that 3 weeks away, and also because another, more popular, push, the one to restore Carnival Tuesday, the only Argentine public holiday, abrogated by the military junta, and not restored since the overthrow of the junta, had not been successful over the last few years. Unofficially, however, we would expect many people to take those 2 days, either as holidays or personal days, particularly as payment of monthly wages by many government agencies have been moved from the beginning of April to the end of March (link). Therefore we would not recommend that you schedule any business trip the week of April 2-6, in Argentina.